415 Squadron  Association

1330 ON 17 NOVEMBER 2016

Chairperson Chris Henneberry (President)
Jack Backstrom (Vice-President) regrets
Bill Brown (Treasurer)
Jeff McBean (Membership)
Al Harvey (Museum Liaison)
Bert Campbell (Web Manager)
Reid McBride (Kit Shop) regrets
Rick Anscomb (VPI Liaison)
Steve Tremblay (Social Media) regrets
415 Representative
Niels Roggenkemp (415 Historian) regrets
Jim Philips (Member)
Butch Fleury regrets

1. The Chairman welcomed all participants.  He noted that although there was no 415 Representative present, the Commanding Officer would be meeting with available Association members immediately following the meeting. 

2.  The Chairman also noted that since the March 2016 meeting there had been more than ten correspondences concerning different WWII Veterans.  To date two new veteran stories have been published, two more stories are nearing completion and two additional stories have been provided by correspondents, which are now being edited prior to posting on the Association website.  The Chairman then noted that an article covering the events of the 75th Anniversary had still not been drafted.  He stated that he would contact the Squadron Historian and would offer to collaborate on the drafting of such an article, which could ultimately be placed on the Association website.

3.  The proposed Agenda for the meeting was reviewed and accepted as presented.

4.  The Record of Discussion of the 29 March 2018 was reviewed and accepted as promulgated.  The review confirmed that necessary action has been taken or is underway to meet stated objectives.

5.  2017 East Moor Memorial.  It was agreed that the 415 Squadron Association would hence forth play a supporting role to the Squadron with respect to participation at future Memorial events.  This arrangement was subsequently confirmed with the Commanding Officer, who stated that funding was already being sought for the 2017 event.  A notice of the 2017 event, Saturday 20 May, will be placed on the Association website.

6.  Membership Report.    The Membership Coordinator provided an updated Alumni List, which now includes 132 members.  He noted that during a recent email circulation to alumni, there were four addresses that appeared to be no longer in use.  Two of these addresses were updated by members present at the meeting.  The Coordinator said that he would endeavour to find updated addresses for the other two alumni members.

7.  Financial Report.  The Treasurer provided a written report on recent account activity.  He noted that as of 16 November 2016 the account balance was $3184.15.  While the account balance was almost $700.00 less than that reported on 10 November 2015, it was noted that there are expected near future deposits of over $300.00. 

8.  Kit Shop Report.  The Chairman noted that the Coordinator had forwarded a report, which indicated that during the 75th Reunion 12 ties had been sold.  Subsequent to the Reunion another $200.00 in sales had been realized.  The sale of Squadron ties has now reached the break-even point, with only a few ties left on inventory.  

9. Jeff McBean reported that unfortunately the initiative to purchase Squadron golf shirts for the 75th Reunion was not successful.  He had been collaborating with the Squadron on behalf of the Association however since May 2016 there had been no further developments in this initiative.  He proposed that the purchase of golf shirts should now rest solely with the Squadron and that the Association should cease its involvement in this initiative.

10.  Charitable Affiliation.  Al Harvey noted that it had been agreed that the Squadron would take the lead for future dealings with the Veterans Wing at Soldier’s Memorial Hospital.  The Association would however continue to jointly participate in the annual Christmas visit and contribute towards a joint gift (to be determined in consultation with the veteran coordinator).  It was unanimously agreed that this year the Association’s contribution would be $100.00.  Al Harvey and/or Rick Anscomb will accompany the Squadron representatives during this Christmas’ visit.  This arrangement was subsequently confirmed with the Commanding Officer, who stated that in the near future 415 Squadron would be contacting the veteran coordinator.  It is hoped that a short story and photo will be made available following the visit. 

11.  Association Website.  Bert Campbell reported that on average there are 2500 to 3000 visits per month to the Association website.  It is projected that there will be over 25,000 visits to the website in 2016.  He noted that there are two different fees to maintain the website, which are due every second year.  The amount due to pay for the registration of the domain name and technical support for the next 24 month period is $196.36.  It was unanimously agreed to pay this bill.  It was also noted that the Squadron, through its Squadron Fund, had agreed to provide $100 every two years to support the maintenance of the website. This arrangement was subsequently confirmed with the Commanding Officer, who stated that $100 would be made available as soon as an invoice was forwarded to the Squadron.  Jeff McBean agreed to forward the invoice. 

12.   Social Media Coordination.  Steve Tremblay has advised that there are now over 120 members of the 415 Swordfish FACEBOOK account.  He has also indicated that it was time to find a new person to assume the oversight of the account.  This issue was discussed, however no volunteer stepped forward.  It is hoped that Steve Tremblay will continue his volunteer efforts until such time that a replacement is found.

13.  Status Report 2016 Projects:

(1)  Argus Crews 1961-1970, OPI Chris Henneberry, Status:

Update:  During the 75th Anniversary weekend Chris Henneberry continued his efforts to acquire copies of Argus crew photos.  To date a limited number of photos and corresponding crew lists have been acquired.  To move this project forward, the available information will be posted in the early New Year.  The initiative will be expanded to cover all the Argus years.  Given the relative scarcity of related data, it is now evident that the collection of crew lists and photos will not be accomplished in the short run.  As such, the completion of this project will occur once a framework has been published and the available crew information has been posted to the Association website. 

(2)  4TH Era Banner, OPI 415 Representative, Status:
Update: The banner was completed by the Squadron.  Its composition was similar to the other three banners acquired by the Association.  The banner was on display at the 75th Anniversary Reunion.
(3)  75th Anniversary Support, All, Status:

Update: The 415 Squadron Association assisted the Squadron with the development and design of the 75th Anniversary Display.  A minimum of two Association representatives were present throughout the day that the display was open to the public.  The Squadron display was far superior to those provided by other 14 Wing squadrons.  The Association also had its Kit Shop open throughout this period. 

14.  Proposed Projects for 2017

   Remembrance of Argus 737 Crash 

Scope:  The Association will compile a crew list and to the extent possible contact surviving crew members and family of the deceased.  The Association will also assist the Squadron in the development of a memorial activity tentatively programmed for 31 March 2017, which will mark the 40th Anniversary of the crash.  The Squadron POC will be the SCWO.

    Squadron Historical Reports 

Scope: The Association will acquire copies of Squadron Annual Historical Reports (AHRs) dating back to 1961.  Thus far the Association has acquired copies of AHRs from 1961 to 1967.  The Squadron Historian has recently acquired copies of AHRs from 1985 to 2004 and is making copies for the Association.  The remaining AHRs appear to be classified Confidential and will require redaction before they can be made available.

    Swordfish Tales

Scope: Jack Backstrom has proposed that efforts be made to acquire a copy of all Swordfish Tales that have been published both in Summerside and Greenwood.  Before adopting this project the Chairman asked for a volunteer to coordinate this activity. 

15.  Other.  The Association has been made aware of two potential events in which it might wish to have a presence: the CFB Greenwood 75th Anniversary; and the 2017 Atlantic International Air Show (AIAS) scheduled for August 2017 at Greenwood.  With respect to upcoming CFB Greenwood Anniversary Celebrations, there is apparent confusion about the actual date of the 75th Anniversary.  Apparently the Base opened in 1942 as an RAF Station.  It was not until 1944 that the Base became an RCAF Station.  Thus far the Squadrons have not been engaged nor are they aware of any planning activity.  It was agreed that if the Squadron was not involved there was no need for the Association to be involved.  Bert Campbell advised that to this point in time the Wing has no plans to expend resources to support the AIAS.  Apparently planning for this event has been limited and the Squadrons are not engaged.  These potential events will be revisited at the next Association meeting.

16.  There being no further business, it was agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1445.  The next Association meeting is not expected prior to late March 2017. Meeting participants then proceeded to the VPI Hall and received an informal briefing from the CO 415 Squadron, LCol Jeff Davis, on recent and forecast Squadron activities. Issues that were discussed included: BLK 3 throughput, BLK 4 introduction, CP140 Wing Pylon Feasibility Study and future Squadron deployments.  Throughout the presentation many questions were asked and forthright responses were provided.  The briefing was highly informative and much appreciated. 

Chris Henneberry
28 November 2016