415 Squadron  Association



1. The President welcomed those in attendance to the Third General Meeting of the Association. He noted that since its inception, the Association has been true to its mandate and has always focused on the potential reformation of 415 Squadron. He noted that “the march on of the Squadron Standard at today’s parade was the culmination of a lot of work by various groups and individuals, not the least of which was the Association”. He then introduced the Association Executive and thanked them for their many contributions and support over the past ten years. He then asked those in attendance to introduce themselves to each other. There were over 20 alumni members in attendance.

2. It was noted that with the stand-up of the Squadron there is a need to revise the Association Constitution. The President also stated that there was a need for a few new volunteers to join the Executive.

3. The Agenda, which had been posted two weeks earlier on the 415 Squadron Association website, was adopted as presented.

4. The Record of Discussion (ROD) from the Second General Meeting held on 10 June 2011 was reviewed and accepted as promulgated.


5. East Moor 2015. The President noted that both 8 and 14 Wings sent representatives to this year’s East Moor Memorial Service. Major Serge Parisien and WO Pat Henry, Alumni members, attended the Service. Major Parisien provided a short and poignant summary of the event stating that this remembrance activity should be supported by the Squadron. The Chairman noted that at least one Swordfish had participated at the Ceremony throughout the entire period the Squadron was stood-down (2005-2015).

6. Membership. The Membership Coordinator stated that as of 5 June the Association Alumni had 119 members. He noted that the number of Alumni members had remained relatively constant despite the passing of most WWII veterans. He also provided a current list of all members, which included their city of residence. Jeff McBean indicated his willingness to continue as Membership Coordinator.

7. Financial. The Treasurer presented a report, which indicated that as of 2 June 2015 the Association bank account was $3792.83. He noted that there was one outstanding bill to be paid. The Association Executive had recently approved the expenditure of $150 to support the 415 Squadron Mixed Dining-In to be held later in the day. Bill Brown indicated his willingness to continue as Association Treasurer.

8. Kit Shop. The Kit Shop Coordinator presented a report that highlighted total sales of $785 since inception. He also provided a summary of inventory which he holds. Questions were asked concerning how to acquire Swordfish Ties (not available) and blazer crests (available at the GMAM). Reid McBride indicated his willingness to continue as Kit Shop Coordinator but recommended that the Association should reach an agreement with the Squadron concerning what inventory should remain with the Association. The President indicated that clarity on this and other issues (see below) will be sought in September.

9. Charitable Affiliation. Al Harvey and Rick Anscomb once again represented the Association and provided the most recent donation to the Veteran’s Wing at Soldiers Memorial Hospital (see website). Al Harvey reminded those present that the future of the Veteran’s Wing is finite. It can be expected that sometime in the relatively near future the Wing will close. It was also noted that this was another issue that needs to be discussed with the Squadron. It is assumed that the Squadron will re-assume responsibility for this activity.

10. Projects. The President provided a summary of the Association projects, which had been completed over the past five years. The list was extensive and those in attendance were appreciative of the efforts of the Executive and the volunteers who were responsible for these positive outcomes (see Association Website). The President then outlined the three projects that have been adopted for 2016:
a. Support Squadron stand-up;
b. Acquire Argus crew lists for the period 1961-1970; and
c. Support Squadron 75th Anniversary planning.


11. The President noted that approximately two weeks prior to the General Meeting a proposed update of the Association’s Constitution had been placed on the Association’s website. He noted that in response to input from the Treasurer additional changes to Section 402 – Financial Management had been made and had been forwarded to all members of the Association Executive. The President responded to a few queries and then summarized the significant changes as follows:
a. Recognition that the Squadron has been reformed;
b. Revised mandate that focuses on safeguarding and promoting the legacy of 415 Squadron, further enhancing the historical record of the Squadron and when called upon support the Squadron;
c. Recognize that a fourth Squadron era is commencing; and
d. Update the governance section on Financial Management including adjusting the fiscal year to 1 April – 31 March.

12. It was moved by Jim Lambie that the proposed update of the Association’s Constitution including the changes to Section 402 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Bob Morrison. There was no further discussion. The motion was carried unanimously.


13. In accordance with the Association’s Constitution the membership dues are to be reviewed at each General Meeting. The President asked if there were any comments concerning the current fee. There were no questions asked. It was moved by Al Harvey that the current fee of $25 remain unchanged. The motion was seconded by Ian McLeod. There was no further discussion. The motion was carried unanimously.


14. With the update of the Association Constitution the following positions make up the Association Executive:
President Chris Henneberry 

Vice-President Jack Backstrom 

Secretary Butch Fleury 

Treasurer Bill Brown 

Membership Coordinator Jeff McBean 

Artefact Coordinator Earl Goski 

Museum Liaison Al Harvey 

Communication Coordinator Bert Campbell 

Kit Shop Coordinator Reid McBride 

VPI Liaison Rick Anscomb 

415 Squadron Representative TBA 

Past President TBD

15. The President recognized the Artefact Coordinator, Earl Goski, and the Secretary Butch Fluery who have both served on the Executive over the past ten years. He thanked them for their service and their many contributions. He asked those in attendance to consider volunteering to fill these two positions. If anyone is interested, please contact any member of the Executive.

16. With the re-activation of the Squadron ideally there should be a 415 Squadron Representative on the Executive. In due course the President will discuss this issue with the Commanding Officer.

17. The updated Constitution now designates the position of “Past President” as a member of the Association Executive. The President stated that in due course this position will be filled.


18. The President noted that since the stand down of 415 Squadron in 2005, the 415 Squadron Association has named the Swordfish of the Year when a General Meeting has been called. In 2011 Chris Larsen was named Swordfish of the Year in recognition of his significant impact in preserving and enhancing the Squadron’s Historical Record. It is recognized that with the re-activation of the Squadron, the responsibility for assigning Swordfish of the Year will revert to the Squadron commencing 2016.

19. This year’s Swordfish of the Year recipient is Earl Goski. He was presented this award for his many contributions including the maintenance of 415 artefact records and the completion of the Commanding Officer Album, which included photos and biographies of former Swordfish commanders. The President noted that Earl had joined the Executive at its inception and that he could be relied upon to be present and support all Association initiatives. Those in attendance agreed that his Swordfish spirit is always evident.


20. There was considerable interest in the potential for a 75th Anniversary Reunion in 2016. It was repeatedly noted that a date should have already been set if international participation was desired. It was asked whether or not a naval or joint exercise was planned for late spring/early summer 2016? No one in attendance was in a position to answer this question. It was suggested that 14 Wing Squadron Commanders should be engaged to seek a resolution to this issue. There was general agreement that the 415 Squadron Association would play a supporting role to the Squadron should a Reunion take place. This issue will be included in future discussions between the Executive and the Squadron.

21. Discussion ensued concerning the future of the wall murals and the doors of the Ball Room at 11 hangar. It was asked if the walls could be or would be actually torn out, or whether modern technology could replicate the walls onto the new Squadron spaces. Apparently the wall murals are being scanned and can be replicated if the Squadron so desires. The President noted that the Ball Room doors were being moved.

22. Chris Bowen noted that there are and will be occasions when fellow Swordfish pass away. When such events occur he proposed that every effort should be made to ensure “Swordfish” representation at the funeral is arranged or that contact be made with the families of the deceased. There was general agreement on this issue. It was also thought that this issue should be raised with the new Commanding Officer.


21. The President once again thanked all present for their interest and support of the Association. It seemed clear that over the past ten years the Association had played an important role in keeping 415 Squadron in the minds of Air Force decision makers. With the re-activation of 415 Squadron, an updated mandate, and a willing group of volunteers, the Association finds itself in a good position as we move to the future. Should it be decided to proceed with a 75th Reunion it can be expected that the next Association General Meeting will occur at that time.

22. There being no other business, the General Meeting was adjourned at 1515.
Chris Henneberry President 415 Squadron Association. 15 June 2016